Cursos Malaga FR May23 13

This week takes place in the Dental Clinic Fernandez Casquero in Malaga the courses of Initial and Advanced Implantology taught in French by Dr. Jose Luis Fernandez Bordes and organized by GMI France with the presence of the director of the subsidiary Mr. Didier Pistre.



Ponentes GMI

On Friday, May 12, Julio Suay (Professor at the Jaume I University of Castellón), José Luis Manglano (CEO of GMI) and Miquel Rosell (Technical Director of GMI) gave a lecture via zoom explaining the Frontier Challenge research project at Postgraduate students in Periodontics, Implantology and Rehabilitation from the University of the Americas in Quito (Ecuador).

We would like to thank Dr. Ruth Recalde and Dr. Karol Tates for their coordination.

We also had the presence of the director of GMI Ecuador, Robinson Villamarín.

It is a pleasure for GMI to participate in these events.



Visita Manglano Casablanca 03

Last Tuesday José Luis Manglano (CEO of GMI) was with Reda Lahrach (director of GMI Morocco) in Casablanca at the Economic and Commercial Office of the Spanish Embassy in Morocco with the Economic and Commercial Counselor Manuel Rodríguez Díez and Teresa Olivella, a member of his team.
He took advantage of his time in the city to visit the Beauty Care Dental Clinic of Dr. Bennaani Younes, who visited our factory on March 17 and attended the Barça-Madrid classic.



Curso Alicante COEA May23

On May 4 and 5, GMI collaborated in the first edition of the course "Go digital. Change your mind from analog to digital" organized by the Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Alicante (COEA).
The course had a theoretical and a practical part with intraoral scanners.
It was a complete success with multiple congratulations from the attendees:
-"Congratulations on the organization. Very useful and productive course".
-"This first module was an awakening for the digital era in which we have to move. Thank you very much for organizing this piece of course. Congratulations to the school and to all the collaborators".
-"Very good course, everything amazing. Congratulations for all the work".
-2nd edition: June 9 - 10
-3rd edition: July 14 - 15




Visita Dr.Neira Ab23 29

Yesterday we were visited by Dr. Pablo Neira de Lugo, member of the GMI Scientific Committee.
A great connoisseur of our products, he was able to learn in depth about the laborious process and stages that our products go through, from the arrival of the raw material to the final packaging.
We were delighted to welcome him!