Taller Paraguay 01

Last Friday, February 11, 2022, the presentation of the GMI - Global Medical Implants brand was made to the students of the 1st Year of the Implant Specialization course of the Faculty of Dentistry of the National University of Asunción, Paraguay.

The presentation was given by Dr. Pablo Teixeira, Scientific and Technical Advisor of GMI Paraguay.

Dr. Pablo highlighted the versatility of the Avantgard, Frontier and Phoenix Implants. Also highlighting the attributes of their respective prosthetic connections.

Immediately afterwards, a practical workshop on milling and insertion in inert jaws was carried out so that the students could achieve a better immersion in the teaching-learning process.


Clinica DraBernal 01

We welcome a new accredited center to join our large distribution network: Clínica Dental Camposoto in San Fernando, Cádiz.
Specialist in: Orthodontics, Endodontics, Periodontics, Surgery, pediatric dentistry and implants.
Thank you for your trust!

Visita Chile 29 11 21 31

Last Monday 29th we had the pleasure of receiving in our factory a group of doctors from Chile accompanied by the team of our subsidiary GMI Chile and its director Fabiola Terraza.

The doctors were able to learn about the entire manufacturing process of our GMI implants and abutments from the raw material to the final packaging.

Also our new Frontier PEAK and Avantgard PEAK implants.

ADF 21 02

Last Thursday we were supporting the commercial team of GMI France with Didier Piestre as dircom during the ADF fair, held at the Palais des Congrès in Paris from 23rd to 27th November.
Our president of the Scientific Committee of GMI Dr. Vicente Ferrer introduced the new Peak implants, accompanied by José Luis Manglano Borso di Carminati, CEO and shareholder of GMI, Gonzalo Jarque, shareholder in GMI and Santiago Llata Cagigas, Commercial Director of Spain and Portugal.
We are very satisfied with the good reception of our new family of implants during the event.

Santiago Llata GMI

Dental Tribune International interview with our Commercial Director Santi Llata during the past XV SIOLA International Meeting.
Discover how our new PEAK implants provide a competitive advantage in reducing surgical time.

Workshop peak 01

Last November 12th, took place the workshop on our Avantgard and Avantgard PEAK implants at the Doctor Omid Clinic in Seville by Dr. Mario Alvarado.

Thanks to all the attendees for your trust!