Perfil emergencia concavo

In our quest for continuous improvement of all our products, and in collaboration with the GMI Scientific Committee, the emergence profile of the gmi frontier implant system has been modified from conical to concave.

You can download all the information in the following link:




Formacin ventas 18

This week, within the Training Plan for the GMI sales team, we have received the first group in our factory accompanied by our commercial director Mr. Santi Llata.

Technical training in the characteristics and advantages of the product/service is a fundamental aspect for good sales work.

Another important element in the training process is the regular meetings we hold with the team.

Good training is essential to be able to convey to customers the security and confidence that our products deserve.


Evento El Salvador

Last Wednesday, March 9, the GMI Event "New Trends with Transmucosal Pillars" took place in El Salvador.

You can follow the following links to see the testimony of 3 attending doctors in the successful event:

Dr. Renato Guido

Dra. Rosalma Escolero de Nieto

Dra. Hazel Burgos