Training Montmelo 01

On the weekend of August 27 and 28, we gathered our entire commercial team in Montmeló to do training and share goals, while enjoying a new spectacular experience with the European Le Mans Series.
Thanks to all the GMI family for your compromise.


Visita Dr Kumar 24

Last week we welcomed Dr. Amrendra Kumar, the new director of our GMI India subsidiary.

He first visited our offices in Barcelona and on Thursday and Friday we received him at our factory where he was able to learn about all our products and see the entire manufacturing process, from the raw material to the final packaging.

Important training that provides added value, allowing customers to transmit the security and confidence that our products deserve.



Curso ProtocoloDigital 02

On July 8th, Dr. Pablo Neira gave the course "Guided Prosthetics and Implants. Digital Protocol" at the Illustrious Official College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Cantabria.

In the talk, Dr. Neira taught how to guide interventions and the placement of digitally predictable protocol dental implants.
Basic theoretical concepts were addressed and implementation in a preclinical workshop.

Our thanks to the College of Dentists and Stomatologists of Cantabria for their collaboration in organizing the talk, as well as to all the attendees for trusting in the quality training that we provide at GMI.