

JFolder: :files: Der Pfad ist kein Verzeichnis! Pfad: [ROOT]/images/noticias/Partido-Barça_Mar23


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Fachada fabrica 2022


GMI Dental Implantology S.L. collaborates in the research project "Development of new surfaces for dental implant abutments, which ensure gingival sealing (SUPERGIN)", within the State Program to promote Scientific-Technical Research and its Transfer, of the Ministry of Science and Innovation. The project is carried out together with the University of Pais Vasco (UPV/EHU) and the Jaume I University of Castellon (UJI).

The publication is part of the project CPP2021-008492 financed by MCIN/AEI/10.13039/501100011033 and by the European Union "NextGenerationEU"/PRTR.



Partido Barça Mar23 06

Within the framework of the GMI EXPERIENCES, the doctors from Morocco who visited us were able to enjoy the great Barça-Madrid classic last Sunday.
And they were gifted with a Barça T-shirt signed by Gerard Piqué.

Very happy that you enjoyed the experience!



Marroc Mar23 01

Last Wednesday, our CEO visited the GMI Maroc office.
After an intense day of work, they visited two of our clients, Doctor Sounni Rajae at her Nordent clinic and Doctor Alasri Mohammed at his Elite clinic.
Thank you all for the time and dedication.


Workshop Escaner Murcia Mar23 07

Last Friday March 3rd and 10th GMI Spain collaborated with the UCAM master's workshop "intraoral scanner, procedures and practice" presenting a dental scan system, use and practice protocols to the 45 international students attending.

Dr. Albert Moreno Pelluz, Dr. Diego Torralba García and Dr. Emilio García Moreno carried out the workshop.