Healing abutments

Once the repair phase of the tissue supporting the implant has finished, in the case of implants fully or partially covered by soft tissue there must be a mucosal channel or tunnel enabling connection of the implant to the prosthesis or secondary structure. Healing abutments are used to form the mucosal route, once the soft tissue has been opened by incision and the cover screw has been withdrawn, by screwing them to the implant.

Key featuresPilarCicatrizacion

  • Grade V titanium machining as per ISO-5832 standard.
  • Tightening with b/f 1.20 mm hex wrench.
  • Available in emergency heights from 1.50 to 4.50 mm.
  • Apical bit to facilitate the start of threading.
  • Manual tightening torque: Max. 15 N·cm.

 Connection Avantgard EN

Healing abut NP AvantgardPEAK


Healing abut AvantgardPEAK

Healing abut AvantgardPEAK 2